Upfest 2021

Had the most amazing time this weekend painting at Europes largest street art and graffiti festival, Upfest in Bedminster, Bristol with SNUB23. As part of their 75 walls in 75 days project. Want to see a map of all the walls at Upfest? Follow this link.

I still can't quite believe I got to paint my very own wall at the event. 4 years ago, I dreamed of going to Bristol just to watch others paint. 3 years ago I assisted SNUB23 paint the largest wall I had ever painted at the time. As well as being my first time on a scissor lift. Now in 2021, I have my very own mural.

Thank you to all the people that came to say hi, Upfest for having me and Kobra Paint for fuelling our fire.


As well as painting my own wall I also assisted SNUB23 with his massive wall.

I love working alongside SNUB23 and I'm forever grateful for what he's taught me over the years and the experiences I've got to share with him. Especially when it comes to working for 10 hours in 30 degree heat 20ft high up on a scissor lift.

Full credit for this piece goes to him. I just filled in bits and bossed him around.

About Upfest…

Upfest was founded in 2008, It was originally conceived to get a group of 20 like-minded artists together for a day of painting here in Bristol, however the first festival quickly grew to 50 artists once the word was out, after securing a fantastic Bristol venue, the Tobacco Factory, the first Upfest took place.

Since then the festival has grown year on year with artists travelling from around the world to paint the walls across Bedminster. With over 400 artists now painting each year in front of 50,000 visitors, the festival has moved to a two week painting event culminating in the festival weekend taking place at Greville Smyth Park and the original venue the Tobacco Factory.

Outside of the festival, Upfest has a permanent HQ and gallery space in South Bristol. We project manage both public and private art installations, provide live artwork for events and festivals alongside place making activities.


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