Sunset Sensation: Painting Lucy & Yak's Brighton Store

Snub23 and I had the incredible opportunity to transform the exterior of Lucy & Yak’s brand new Brighton store into a vibrant sunset masterpiece this spring. Located on the bustling Ship Street, this project was an exciting challenge that allowed us to push our creative boundaries.

The concept was to create a gradient effect, transitioning from a deep orange at the base to a soft yellow at the top, mimicking the colours of a breathtaking Brighton sunset. To achieve this, we used a combination of emulsion paint, brushes and rollers, carefully blending the colours to create a seamless transition.

Painting such a large surface was no small feat, but the final result was truly awe-inspiring. The vibrant colours instantly transformed the store's exterior, making it a standout on the busy street. We were thrilled with the positive feedback from passersby, who couldn't resist stopping to admire our work.

This project was a fantastic collaboration between artists and business, and we’re incredibly proud of the final result. It's a testament to the power of art to transform spaces and create lasting impressions.

Expanding the Color Palette: The Exeter Project

Following the success of the Brighton store, we were thrilled to be invited to bring our artistic touch to Lucy & Yak’s Exeter branch. This time, we decided to create a bold and playful look. The exterior was painted a vibrant hot pink, a colour that is synonymous with fun and energy. To complement this, we transformed the interior into a dreamy cotton candy pink space, creating a cohesive and inviting atmosphere for customers that lets the clothing shine!


A Pimm's Mural at Summer by the River


Squirrel Mural for Concrete Canvas, Chelmsford 2024