Spreading Magic: A Unicorn Mural for Brighton Pride

Brighton Pride 2024 was a whirlwind of colour, music, and community spirit, and I was honoured to contribute to the festivities with a vibrant unicorn mural on the side of Co-op St James Street. As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community and a passionate street artist, this project was a dream come true.

The concept of a unicorn, a mythical creature often associated with magic, purity, and hope, resonated deeply with the spirit of Pride. I wanted to create a piece that was not only visually striking but also carried a powerful message of inclusivity and love. Adorned in a rainbow of colours, the majestic unicorn stands as a symbol of the LGBTQ+ community’s strength and resilience.

Transforming a blank wall into a magical masterpiece was an incredibly rewarding process. Each stroke of paint brought the unicorn to life, adding layers of depth and character. The local community's enthusiasm for the project was overwhelming. Countless people stopped to watch the mural unfold, offering words of encouragement and sharing their excitement. It was heartwarming to see the mural becoming a focal point for the community, sparking conversations and spreading joy.

The finished mural is a testament to the power of art to bring people together. It's a reminder that we are all connected by a shared humanity and a desire for acceptance. I hope this piece continues to inspire and uplift those who pass by, serving as a beacon of hope and pride.



Brighton Street Art / Graffiti Workshop


Rudyard Kipling Primary School Mural - Woodingdean, Brighton